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Everything You Need To Know About French Doors

Views: 35     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-09-27      Origin: Site


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Everything You Need To Know About French Doors

Have you been looking around you friends’ houses or neighbourhood and wondering about French doors? Is it making you think about whether they are suitable and right for you too? French doors can be a very stylish addition to any home so we decided to take a closer look at them this month to answer all those questions that have been forming in your mind about whether or not you should install them too.

What exactly are French doors?

Also known as French windows, they are a set of double-opening doors typically with panes of glass along their full length. While they are most often found opening out to an outdoor space such as a patio or garden, they are also used as internal doors, separating two rooms while still allowing for plenty of natural light to stream in to both rooms. This is a great option for smaller rooms to brighten them up without compromising on the layout or use of your spaces, or losing the privacy that they can bring.

What are their benefits?

As well as being effortlessly stylish, French doors will add plenty of natural light to your space as they are mostly comprised of glass. They will also ‘bring the outdoors in’ when used as a doorway to your garden. On those colder days, you can be as close to the garden as you can without enduring the cold. They give quick access to your outdoor spaces whether for fun purposes such as parties or barbeques, or more mundane ones such as moving larger things into and out of your home. French doors can also be an investment into your home as they provide an aesthetic and practical addition to any home which could increase its value when you come to sell.

What about safety?

French doors are just as safe as any other external door to you home. They come with toughened glass as standard, making it much harder to break. They also include the latest in integrated multiple-point locking mechanisms, meeting all British Standard requirements and with certain features will also meet the Police’s Secured By Design standards.


How about energy efficiency?

French doors have a unique ability to bring in lots of natural light through their glass design while still maintaining a high level of energy efficiency. They meet all the latest energy efficiency specifications, so if you were concerned about replacing a smaller window with French doors – and their increased glass surface area – fear not as they will actually be more energy efficient than an old, draughty window. So you could end up with significantly lower energy bills as well!

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